Student Life
Guidance & Careers
Our Guidance and Career Education Department is led by Guidance Counselor, Saro Masbanajian. The department provides resources and direction to our student body with regards to their current academic work loads and future career options. Students are encouraged to set long term and short term goals along with action plans on how best to achieve those goals.
Our Guidance and Career Education Department has implemented the use of myBlueprint with students in grades 7-12. This software is widely used in middle and secondary schools in Ontario and provides students with an interactive platform to conduct their own research on the academic and career pathways that they would like to follow.
Students learn about post-secondary courses that may be of interest to them and possible career paths. The Guidance and Careers Education Department organizes multiple Career Nights where working professionals, both alumni and non-alumni, from within the community are invited to share their expertise and insights with our students.
Moreover, each fall, Grades 11 and 12 attend the Ontario Universities’ Fair ( Representatives from all 21 Ontario universities are present and students gain access to a wealth of information to help them decide which university will best suit their academic pursuits.
On separate occasions, representatives from the University of Toronto, York University and Ryerson University are invited to our school, to allow for more focused discussions between the students and the university representatives.
We also arrange for past alumni to speak to the students about their post-secondary experiences.In this way, students gather a great deal of insight into the social and academic life at university.
Example of Some Activities for Grades
7-Annual Education Plan
-Goal setting and future planning -
8-Annual Education Plan
-Goal setting and future planning
-Introduction to Secondary School
-Grade 9 course selection -
9-Annual Education Plan
-Introduction to Secondary School
-Career education
-Take your Kids to Work Day
-Grade 10 course selection -
10-Career education
-Grade 11 course selection -
11-Post-secondary planning
-Seminars by University Reps
-Alumni Visitations
-University Fair -
12-Post-secondary planning
-Seminars by University Reps
-Alumni Visitations
-University Fair
-Scholarship application information
-University applications (December)